Gentle Ways to Set Intentions

Setting an intention is one of those key phrases that has been around for quite some time, and, unfortunately, it has been dismissed by many as a "woo-woo" practice reserved for only profoundly spiritual people. 

I am here to tell you that this could not be more incorrect, and the practice of setting an intention is something that everyone from all walks of life can benefit from. 

First, let's talk about what an intention means. Setting an intention provides accountability and allows you to take control of your personal choices and life. Though very similar to goals, intentions are not short-term or one-and-done ambitions. Don't get me wrong, goals are important, but they often have a singular focus.

I want to go to Africa.

I want to pay off my car.

I want to lose 20 pounds before {fill in the date}. 

An intention is a chosen theme that allows us to create alignment in our life. It is a mindful way to focus our energies on pursuits of lasting value.

Unlike goals, an intention is ongoing with no clear end. I liken goals to a sprint, whereas intentions are a marathon with no visible finish line. 

An intention is an energetic decision that centers on being aware of what you are choosing to be and how you are deciding you want your life to unfold. 

Years ago, I learned the power of not only setting an intention but revisiting and reinforcing that intention every day. One way to do that is to make it part of your morning routine and "anchor" it to one of your consistent habits. For example, as you shower or get dressed for the day, repeat this sentence out loud or in your mind:

Today, I commit myself to ____________________.”

Your “____________” can be the thing(s) that you are focusing on that are of lasting value.

Today, I commit to being a better mom.

Today, I commit to treating everyone I meet with kindness.

Today, I commit to listening more and arguing less.

Today, I commit to honoring myself with self-care and learning.

I also want everyone to know that there's no right or wrong way to set intentions. It's an intuitive process, so trust yourself and don't get sidetracked with illusions of perfection.  

Another setting an intention habit that helps tremendously is called "Living As If."

This includes three steps: energy, action, and belief.

If your intention is to be of service to others, your steps would include things like visualizing yourself doing random acts of kindness (energy), volunteering at your local senior center consistently (action), and believing in yourself and your goal no matter what others might say or think (belief).

If you align yourself as this person who wishes to be in your intention, you are already achieving. It's like shifting your thought process from "everything will be great" to "everything is great." 

You are already there.

You are already living your intentions.

Micro Manifestations

I read an excellent article not too long ago about micro manifestations. Manifestation coach Jessica Estrada talks about micro manifestations (concerning our intentions) and how these small steps are a great way to strengthen your manifestation muscle. A micro manifestation is basically something small that you intentionally and consciously call in. 

Here's an excerpt from her article.  

  1. Set an intention around something you want to attract, create, experience, how you want to feel or how you'd like your day to unfold. Maybe you intend to have a flowy day, feel lit up, get a free cup of coffee, or for that poncho you've been eyeing to go on sale (just me?). Get creative here. Have fun with it.

  2. Keep your energy playful, fun, and light around your intentions. Adopt a "let's just see what happens attitude." No attachment. No pressure. No deadlines.

  3. Watch the magic unfold.

The universe wants to surprise and delight us. All we have to do is ask for what we want. The more you practice this ritual and witness your intentions coming to fruition, the more you cultivate confidence in your power to manifest the bigger things too. ~Jessica Estrada

Choose Key Phrases or Words that Inspire Action 

As a multi-book author, podcaster, music composer, and teacher, the power of words never ceases to amaze me. I love picking out my Word of the Year and in my latest book, Thrive: Living A Self-Healed Life, I share the story of the time "Onion" was my Word of the Year. For those who don't know what Word of The Year is, it's the act of picking ONE WORD (always on New Year's Day) that will be your theme and act as your guiding light over the coming 12 months.

In 2021, as we all were still struggling to be the best humans possible while still in the clutches of a global pandemic, a good friend of mine shared that her Word of The Year was Onion. This unusual choice of a word was poignant for her because it represented the peeling back of layers that no longer served her to reach the strong core of who she was. The moment I heard her Word of the Year was onion, it completely resonated with me, and it too became the word that would inspire me during the coming months.

I'm sharing this not because I want you to pick a vegetable to relate to but because I want to show an example of how one word can spur us to action. 

How one word can act as our lighthouse in stormy weather.

How one word can cause a feeling of pride and hope to swell in our chests.

These key phrases or words can do the same for you as you move forward in living your life fueled by your intention(s). If you intend to publish a book, maybe "scribe" is your word that inspires. 

If you want to navigate a stressful situation without losing your cool, perhaps "ease and grace" is the phrase that reminds you of your intention and keeps you from straying off the path.

If your intention is to uplevel your business, your inspired phrase could be "212 Degrees Fahrenheit." Why? Because that is the temperature when water turns to steam. And steam can power a locomotive.

IMPORTANT: I would also like to encourage you always to state your intentions positively.

"This meeting will be challenging, but I will conduct myself with ease and grace."

"As a scribe, I will share my story with others, so they will know that they are not alone."

Begin Where You Are, and Take One Step

Like many things in life, we can start strong with our new intentions but lose focus a few months down the road. There are a few pieces of wisdom that I would like to share to help keep you focused and on track:

Start Small: Make one small adjustment today. Then repeat. Progressing in millimeters may not feel like much, but forward movement is forward movement. If your intentions and goals are too lofty or, worse yet, no darn fun, your subconscious mind won't be able to get behind them. The result is boredom and confusion, which we all know is not a recipe for positive progress. Begin where you are, at this moment, even if things don't feel like they are in place. Start where you are right now, and move forward. 

Embed it in a Routine: As I mentioned above, attach your intention practice to a habit or what's known as a "trigger action." This could be repeating your "Today, I commit myself to ____________________" mantra as you watch your coffee brew every morning or saying the words in your mind as you brush your teeth. 

Things Can, and Will, Change: Know that you are not committed to one intention for the entire year. There is no Intention Police who will knock on your door if the intention you focus on Wednesday isn't the one you choose to focus on Thursday. Let your intentions evolve and shift where they need to go. Not every day is the same in our lives, so things may pop up that need your attention and focus immediately. There is no right or wrong way to work on your intentions. Tweaking is allowed :)

We are all humans who are trying to navigate a sometimes imperfect life. Be kind to yourself and gentle when you need to. Be patient. Cut yourself some slack.

One breath, one step, one minute at a time. I know you will succeed.


My Book THRIVE is Making an Appearance at the Cannes Film Festival!

