Mongata Healing Center is Empowering People

Mongata/Mångata is a Swedish word meaning “The glimmering reflection path of moonlight on water.” It’s through this path, this secret doorway that we can take the inner journey to our own inner healing.

About a year ago I noticed that the pandemic had gone on far too long, that the effects were great and for many devastating. People needed a place to go and reconnect with themselves and with others. It was the “with others” part that was the challenge, as Covid-19 was surging once again. One of the main focuses at the Mongata Healing Center is empowering people that they are their own best healers. We do this by creating a safe space for individuals to release past trauma, manage the daily triggers that come up, and support them with personal development tools so they can create a vibrant life that they envision for themselves. Change begins within. At Mongata we use four guiding pillars to help foster healing for each person.

Using practices like sound, breath, movement, and meditation, we help individuals find and maintain a path to their inner balance regardless of what life throws their way. For the past year, we have been exclusively an online community hosting group breathwork, sound meditation experiences, mindfulness meditation, as well as individual breathwork, sound healing, and coaching sessions. As Mongata has grown over the past year, we have become known as “Mongata, Your Neighborhood Healing Center on the Web.” We didn’t coin that phrase but those that walked through the virtual doors of the healing center started calling it that.

Recently Mongata has found a real live neighborhood in Santa Fe, New Mexico where I live. I’m so excited to share that on June 1st Mongata Healing Center is opening!

We have a listening room for people to come and have private sessions. The listening room is where one listens deeply inside, shifts, and transforms. There is a beautiful lounger for breathwork as well as a sound bed for sound therapy sessions. Often times I use both sound and breath in a session to help each individual move and transform their trauma to step into their own healing and knowing.

We also have a big room for group events, workshops, and courses such as the Mongata Sound Meditation Experience, Intro to Breathwork, and Intro to Meditation, as well as CE and CME courses for practitioners. One of my all-time happy places is being able to hold circles. We have our Sistership Circle for women and two drum circles, all of which meet monthly.

Though we may all be on our own personal healing journeys, in truth, we all heal in the community. For each person who is struggling with illness, trauma, triggers, upset, etc, there are always other people around them who are routing for them. As we heal from this latest trauma of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s important to look at who can best support you and who you want to be in your healing circle of support.

Your body is the wisest part of you. How do you tap into that knowledge and find the answers within yourself? Once we become aware of our own trauma responses and cycles, we can heal them, leaving space to create the person we want to become. You have the power to transform your life on every level. One of my favorite in-person circles at Mongata Healing Center is our Sound Healing Circle. This is where we re-story ourselves using specific sound healing instruments such as kantele ( a magical lap harp in the zither family), healing harps, voice, and drum journeys.

My road to getting here has been through my own healing journey through shadow, trauma, and illness. I am a Knowing Woman (shaman practitioner) from two Northern European Traditions: the Nordic Traditions of Sweden/Scandinavia, and the Song Land traditions from Karelia in Finland.

I am an advanced student in Seiðmaðr & Seiðkona of Imelda Almqvist and study with her in Sweden and the US.I am so excited to welcome you into the hallowed halls of the Mongata Healing Center: Your Neighborhood Healing Center. Please check our website for events both in-person and online as well as individual treatment offerings.
Please note that ALL Covid precautions and filter systems are in place. Our events are limited to 15 people or less.

Other Links and Ways to Connect

Thrive: Living a Self Healed Life




Deep Self-Love With Breathwork


Loving Yourself Greatly