Sistership Circle In Person Event


When women gather, magic happens.

That’s why I am joining forces with 100 other women around the world and hosting a Sistership Circle on June 18th 2022 from 3-5 pm. This is Mongata Healing Center’s first in person gathering and I wanted it to be about sistership.

We’ll all be celebrating the solstice together.

Imagine what’s possible when women come together to celebrate and support one another … When a circle holds you in the light, you are far more likely to rise.

Now imagine synchronizing our celebration with the global sisterhood … it gets amplified x100.

Space is limited so save your seat below on the link.

More Information:


Space holding + Sisterhood + Support


Lifted + Encouraged + Celebrated to RISE


Feeling the sisterhood has your back + partnership with the men in your life

Greetings Sisters,

In a world where …

Men have been deemed superior to women

Women tear each other down

Scarcity breeds competition

We (The Sistership Circle Facilitators) created a special gathering called “Sol-Sister” for you because we know what it’s like to be on your journey as a woman.

You need support. You need sacred self-care. You need a container of sisters who have your back.

Especially as you step into your brilliance, speak your truth and rise up into your feminine power.

Sistership Circle Facilitators all over the world have co-created a day that celebrates YOU as a woman.

We have created a container that showers you with support, love, ritual, free-flow journaling, dancing, and fun!

“Sol-Sister Celebration” is about you releasing the roles that society has confined you to, so you can step fully into sacred sisterhood and create partnership with the divine masculine.

If we want to create a world that works, where people feel connected, loved and appreciated, we have to do the work as women to integrate our feminine and masculine so we can create right relationship with our sisters and brothers.

Community is essential for you.

Sharing in a sacred circle of women is essential for you.

Being heard is essential for you.

Opening up is essential for you.

Being honest about what you’re feeling is essential for you.

Visionary sisterhood is being remembered because it’s needed now more than ever. As modern day women, many times we are isolated, spending hours in front of the computer, living in a vacuum.

Who supports YOU as you support everyone???

It is your turn!

When a circle holds you in the light, you are far more likely to rise.

Ready to join us in the fun?

I look forward to celebrating you!

PS. This event is limited, so if your body wisdom is talking to you right now and telling you this is what you need— I invite you to trust and act on your intuition and join the community of amazing women ready to support you and your vision.


Loving Yourself Greatly


Full Moon Reflections