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Eclipse Full Moon Sound Bath

Join us at Mongata for a rejuvenating sound bath experience. This special sound bath falls during the Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces and offers a unique blend of relaxation and meditation using the powerful vibrations of sound to cleanse and heal. Guided by the full moon energy, we will focus on liberation, clarity and transcendence.

What to Expect:

  • Intention Setting: Begin your journey by setting intentions with the potent influence of the Pisces Full Moon. We provide paper and pens to help you ground your intentions through writing.

  • Sound Bath Immersion: After releasing what no longer serves us, the sound bath will feature a beautiful combination of instruments such as our sacred monochord bed, medicine drums, crystal singing bowls, gong, tubular bells, and many more.

  • Healing and Release: Experience deep relaxation and relieve stress, pain, and emotional blockages with sound vibrations and the power of your own breath.

September 14

Human Design Workshop: Manifesting Your Life

September 24

Breathwork Group Class