Discovering Your True Self: An Introduction to Human Design

Living in the modern world often means prioritizing a fast-paced, always-on-the-go lifestyle. We make hundreds of decisions every day and spend our energy in exhausting ways. If you have ever felt decision fatigue or emotionally disconnected, Human design is a personal development tool that combines ancient wisdom and modern sciences to help you understand your unique nature and live in harmony with it.

At Mongata, we believe in the power of self-awareness and offer a range of services, including Human Design readings, breathwork, sound baths, and healing circles to support your journey toward self-discovery and personal growth. This blog post will introduce you to Human Design, explain how it works, and how you can live the life you came here to live by using your own Human Design.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a groundbreaking system that combines ancient wisdom and modern science to offer a detailed map of your unique nature. Developed by Ra Uru Hu in 1987, this system synthesizes elements from astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, the chakra system, and quantum physics. Like personality assessments, the Enneagram, and many other tools, Human Design aims to help you understand your true self and live in harmony with your natural energy.

an illustrated silhouette of a human head drawn in back marker on orange paper. There is a bright pink and purple butterfly sitting where the brain would be.

Human Design helps us live in harmony with our natural energy

How Does Human Design Work? Discover Your Blueprint 

Determining your Human Design starts with your birth date, time, and place. With this information, you can generate a Human Design chart that outlines your energy type, strategy, authority, and profile. This chart is your personal energy blueprint, providing insights into your strengths, challenges, and the best ways to navigate your life.

Taking Your First Step with a Free Chart

For those just beginning their journey, a free Human Design chart offers a basic overview of your energy type, strategy, authority, and defined centers. This initial step is a gateway to deeper self-awareness.

Going Deeper with Detailed Charts

For a more comprehensive understanding, detailed Human Design charts and energetic blueprints are available from Human Design Specialists who are trained to interpret charts and help you understand your design. These charts are often available for a small fee and provide richer insights into your life path and unique gifts, helping you align with your true nature. Detailed charts are available from Mongata. Follow the prompts after receiving your free chart to purchase a deeper look at your design.

Guided Readings

Once you have explored your detailed chart, scheduling a guided reading can help you interpret your chart and apply its wisdom to your life. These personalized sessions empower you with practical knowledge and actionable steps to live authentically.

an aerial view of a blue yoga mat with a laptop computer sitting on it. a woman sits cross legged in front of the computer

Mongata Human Design Services to Meet Your Needs

We provide a variety of Human Design services to cater to your specific needs and preferences.

One-on-One Guidance with Personalized Readings

Our personalized readings offer individual sessions where we explore your unique Human Design chart. These sessions provide tailored guidance to help you navigate your life with clarity and confidence.

Enhancing Relationships with Group Readings

Ideal for couples, coworkers, or family members, group readings help you understand your dynamics and improve relationships. These sessions foster deeper connections by exploring each person’s Human Design.

Going Deeper with Follow-Ups and Deeper Dives

Once you’ve had a foundational solo or group reading, you may have more questions or want to explore your chart further. We offer follow-up sessions as well as one-on-one deep dives that will help you live your design. Connect with us for a follow-up session or deep dive after your foundational reading.

Upcoming Human Design Workshop and Audio Course

We are excited to announce our upcoming Human Design workshops and audio course (coming soon). These new offerings will provide in-depth knowledge and practical tools to help you integrate Human Design principles into your daily life.

Exploring the Five Human Design Types & Strategies

Understanding your Human Design type is the first step, but integrating the concept of Strategy is what truly aligns you with your unique design. Your Strategy is your natural way of interacting with the world, calling opportunities to you, and operating with ease and flow. By following your Strategy, you minimize resistance and allow life to unfold more smoothly.

Manifestors: Inform and Respond

Manifestors are the initiators, naturally designed to start new projects and bring innovative ideas to life. Their Strategy is to inform others before taking action. By doing so, they reduce resistance and create a smoother path for their endeavors. Additionally, Manifestors benefit from responding to external cues, aligning their actions with the opportunities that arise around them.

Generators: Respond

Generators have a powerful, sustainable energy that allows them to build and create. Their Strategy is to respond to opportunities rather than initiate them. By waiting for something to respond to, Generators can engage in activities that truly excite and fulfill them, ensuring they use their energy in the most satisfying and productive ways.

an imac displays a human design chart

Manifesting Generators: Inform and Respond

Manifesting Generators blend the qualities of both Manifestors and Generators. They have the ability to initiate and sustain energy for projects. Their Strategy involves both informing others and responding to opportunities. This dual approach ensures their actions are aligned with their energy and the external environment, allowing them to navigate their dynamic lives effectively.

Projectors: Wait for the Invitation

Projectors are natural guides with a deep understanding of systems and people. Their Strategy is to wait for invitations before offering their insights and guidance. This waiting period ensures that their contributions are recognized and valued, leading to more harmonious and effective interactions.

Reflectors: Wait for Decision Making

Reflectors are unique in that they reflect the health and well-being of their environment. Their Strategy is to wait before making major decisions. This waiting period allows them to observe and reflect on the influences around them, finding consistency and clarity before taking action. By waiting, Reflectors can ensure their decisions are aligned with their true nature and the collective energy.

Deepening Your Strategy

Each Strategy can be deepened and tailored to fit individual experiences. For instance, Reflectors benefit immensely from waiting 28 days to make big decisions. This lunar cycle allows them to mirror the people and environments they encounter, giving them a comprehensive view and ensuring their choices are well-considered and aligned.

By living in alignment with your Strategy, you call opportunities to you in a way that feels natural and effortless. This approach minimizes resistance and allows you to navigate life with greater ease and fulfillment.

A peaceful looking middle aged woman closes her eyes behind a bunch of babys breath flowers.

Human Design Authority Type

The next element you will see on your chart is the Authority Type. Authority in Human Design refers to the decision-making process that is best for you. Understanding your authority helps you make decisions that are aligned with your true self.

Emotional Authority: Riding the Wave

Individuals with Emotional Authority need to ride their emotional wave before making decisions. Patience is key, as clarity comes over time.

Sacral Authority: Trusting Your Gut

Those with Sacral Authority make decisions based on their gut responses. Trusting this immediate, instinctive reaction leads to correct choices.

Splenic Authority: Listening to Instinct

Splenic Authority involves listening to intuitive, spontaneous insights that arise in the moment. These fleeting instincts are reliable and accurate.

Ego Authority: Following Your Will

Ego Authority centers around willpower and personal desires. Decisions should be made based on what truly benefits the individual.

G Center Authority: Guided by Identity

Individuals with G Center Authority make decisions based on their sense of direction and identity. They are guided by what feels right for their core self.

Mental Authority: Reflecting and Discussing

Mental Authority involves making decisions through reflection and discussion. It’s about processing thoughts and receiving external input before arriving at a conclusion.

No Inner Authority: Environmental Clarity

Those with no inner authority rely on their environment and the people around them for decision-making. Their clarity comes through interaction and observation.

A woman looks at ease and restful sitting on a white couch. her eyes are closed and her hands rest comfortably behind her head.

Unlock Your Potential and Live Your Human Design

Living your Human Design means aligning with your energy type, authority, and strategy. It’s about embracing your true nature and living authentically.

Human Design offers a profound way to understand yourself and live in alignment with your true nature. At Mongata, we are dedicated to guiding you on this journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Whether you seek a personalized reading, a group session, workshop, or deep dive into your chart, our offerings are designed to support you every step of the way. Embrace your unique gifts and unlock your potential with the principles of Human Design.

Valarie Budayr

Valarie Budayr is not a licensed Medical Doctor. To see her credentials as a certified Transformational Human Design Coach, Certified Sound Practitioner, Trauma-Informed Pause Breathwork Facilitator, and Mindfulness Teacher, visit her bio. The information and services provided on this website are intended for general wellness purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Mongata services are complementary practices and are not a substitute for professional medical care. If you have any health concerns or are seeking medical advice, please consult with your physician.

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