Rediscovering Curiosity: Practices to Bring Childlike Wonder Back into Your Life

As adults, our responsibilities and routine-driven lives often cause us to lose touch with the sense of awe and curiosity that characterized our childhood. Rediscovering childlike wonder can transform our perspective and allow us to view the world with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of joy.

With a few reminders and some practice, we can revive our curiosity, deepen our sense of wonder, and reap the mental health benefits of cultivating these traits. Explore our top 10 practices for bringing wonder back into your life, and join us at Mongata for a class, workshop, or online event to deepen your awareness and thrive.

black and white image a small child looking over a bench in amazement

Curiosity is fundamental to growth

Why is Wonder and Curiosity Important?

Wonder and curiosity are fundamental to our growth and happiness. They drive us to explore, learn, and engage with the world around us. When we embrace curiosity, we open ourselves to new experiences and ideas, which can lead to personal and professional fulfillment.

Wonder, on the other hand, allows us to appreciate the beauty and complexity of life, fostering a deeper connection to the world and ourselves. Curiosity is the spark that ignites learning and innovation within us. Wonder also brings a sense of magic and possibility into our lives.

Mental Health Benefits of Curiosity and Awe

People who cultivate curiosity and awe often experience numerous mental health benefits. These include reduced stress levels, improved mood, and a greater sense of satisfaction. Staying curious helps us remain mentally agile and resilient while experiencing awe can lead to moments of profound happiness and contentment.

By actively seeking out wonder, we can enhance our overall well-being and live more meaningful lives. Curiosity can also improve cognitive function, keeping our minds sharp as we age, and wonder can provide a profound sense of peace and connectedness.

a woman sits on a sandy dune overlooking a rugged landscape at sunset

Heightened awareness can reignite your sense of wonder

10 Practices to Revive Curiosity and Wonder

Mindful Observation:

Take time each day to observe your surroundings mindfully. Notice the small details that often go overlooked. This practice can help you see the world with fresh eyes and appreciate the beauty in the mundane. Look closely at the texture of a leaf, the patterns in a stone, or the colors in a sunset. This heightened awareness can reignite your sense of wonder.

Learn Something New:

Dedicate time to learning a new skill or hobby. Whether it's playing an instrument, learning a language, or picking up a new craft, engaging in new activities can reignite your curiosity and enthusiasm for discovery. The process of learning itself can be a source of joy and wonder as you experience the thrill of mastering something new.

a woman holds a ruler to an unlined notebook. in her hands is a ruler and a pencil with which she has drawn the word "learn" in pencil on the notepaper.

Engaging in new activities can reinvigorate your curiosity

Ask Questions:

Cultivate a habit of asking questions about the world around you. Whether you're reading a book, watching a documentary, or having a conversation, ask questions that deepen your understanding and spark your curiosity. Embrace the mindset of a learner, always seeking to know more and understand better.

Explore Nature:

Spend time in nature to reconnect with the wonder of the natural world. Go for a hike, visit a botanical garden, or simply take a walk in the park. Nature's beauty and complexity can inspire awe and curiosity. Observe the intricate designs in plants, the behavior of animals, and the vastness of the sky. Nature has a way of reminding us of the wonders of life.

Travel and Explore:

Traveling to new places exposes you to different cultures, landscapes, and experiences. Even exploring a new neighborhood in your city can provide a fresh perspective and stimulate your sense of wonder. Encountering new environments and ways of life can broaden your horizons and deepen your appreciation for diversity.

a map of the world sits on a wooden surface with a camera, a compass, some croatian currency and a small cactus plant

Encountering new people and new ways of life can broaden your horizons

Engage in Creative Activities:

Creativity is closely linked to curiosity. Engage in activities like painting, writing, or playing music to tap into your imaginative side and explore new ways of thinking. Creative expression allows you to see the world from different angles and fosters a sense of wonder and possibility.

Read Widely:

Reading books, articles, and blogs on a variety of topics can expand your knowledge and spark curiosity. Choose subjects you know little about to broaden your horizons. Reading not only informs but also transports you to different times and places, stimulating your imagination and sense of wonder.

Practice Gratitude:

Gratitude can enhance your sense of wonder by making you more aware of the positive aspects of your life. Keep a gratitude journal and write down things you're thankful for each day. This practice shifts your focus from what's missing to what's present, helping you appreciate the richness of your experiences.

a woman sits cross legged with their hands in a meditative position

Quiet your mind to create space for wonder


Meditation can help you become more present and aware, allowing you to appreciate the moment and cultivate a sense of wonder. Try guided meditations focused on curiosity and mindfulness. By quieting the mind, you create space for wonder to arise naturally.

Connect with Others:

Engaging in meaningful conversations with others can broaden your perspective and stimulate curiosity. Listen actively and be open to learning from the experiences and viewpoints of others. Sharing stories and insights with others can inspire mutual curiosity and wonder.

Reinvigorate Your Curiosity, Transform Your Life

Reviving childlike wonder and curiosity can transform your life, making it richer and more fulfilling. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can reconnect with your innate sense of awe and improve your overall well-being. Embrace the joy of discovery, the thrill of learning, and the peace of presence. Allow yourself to be curious and to marvel at the wonders of the world around you.

Valarie budayer stands in a meditative pose with her eyes closed. She is wearing a grey pull over and standing next to a vase of dried flowers

Valarie Budayr, Founder, Mongata Healing Center

Practice Wonder at Mongata

At Mongata, we offer various services to help you deepen your connection to yourself and enhance your sense of curiosity. From sound baths and breathwork sessions to Human Design readings and healing circles, our offerings are designed to support your journey toward greater awareness and wonder. Explore our services and begin your journey of rediscovery today. Experience the magic of curiosity and the joy of wonder at Mongata.

Valarie Budayr

Valarie Budayr is not a licensed Medical Doctor. To see her credentials as a certified Transformational Human Design Coach, Certified Sound Practitioner, Trauma-Informed Pause Breathwork Facilitator, and Mindfulness Teacher, visit her bio. The information and services provided on this website are intended for general wellness purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Mongata services are complementary practices and are not a substitute for professional medical care. If you have any health concerns or are seeking medical advice, please consult with your physician.

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