July Reset: Time to Rethink, Rest, Revisit

As the calendar flips to the seventh month, I have to pause for a moment and marvel at how fast 2022 is flying by. For me, this is a good thing (mostly). My days are filled with doing the work I love at the Mongata studio and with my various writing projects. Travel is a big adventure for me in the month of July as I head to the homeland of my family, Gotland, Sweden. Life is full, busy, and even overwhelming at times.

This is exactly why I plan to spend my time in Sweden just.being.still. Minimal work on my businesses and the maximum amount of resting, reconnecting, exploring, and recharging.

Visby, Sweden

I know, and I want you to know, that if we do choose to honor our mental health and well-being for a time, all will be well. Nothing will crumble to the ground and screech to a halt if we choose to “tap out” and recharge our hypothetical batteries.

So what does a July Reset look like? What can you do when you are programmed to be in a constant state of motion?

Just stop, pause, and remember what basic pleasures in life make your heart sing. Here are some ideas:

Stretch daily, take long walks, or reignite a yoga routine. 

Make the time to create healthy meals instead of “grab-n-go” meals.

Limit, or eliminate, all social media. The chances of you missing something “important” are slim!

Sit outside and listen to the early morning birds and watch the sunrise. 

If spending time with friends and family energizes you, do it. If it has the opposite effect, it’s okay to politely decline gatherings or events that don’t soothe your soul.

Recreate an evening routine that involves a cup of tea and quiet activities like crafts, reading, or binge-watching your favorite show. 

Let your body and mind rest.

When we are in this new Practice of Stillness, that’s when we can begin to focus on rewiring and releasing all the negative programming that has been dominating our lives for so long.

What will you do to “reset” this month?


Mongata Healing Circle Ceremony


The Intuitive Brilliance of Water.