The Intuitive Brilliance of Water.

Today, I would like to talk about the intuitive brilliance of water.

Water is such a vital part of our lives. As humans, we are made of around 60 percent.

Water and its energy cleanses us, rejuvenates us, and us "flowing" again.

Around 71 percent of the planet's surface is covered by water. And in many countries, safe drinking water is something entire communities long for.

Did you know that water also “remembers?” It remembers every touch, every breath, and every pollutant it comes in contact with. The flowing bodies of water can remember evidence of touch from all the lifeforms that live within and around them. Rivers and streams carry the DNA of you and all of your ancestors into larger bodies of water like lakes and oceans. Water will remember our touch long after we’re all gone.

Water heals. In any healing practice, the practice of "grounding" is usually connected with the Earth element. However, when we speak of the intuitive brilliance of water, we are referring to the aspects of the self that relate to the water element. Scholars and spiritual leaders know that water has tremendous healing potential for the human mind, body, and spirit.

Where the waters do agree, it is quite wonderful the relief they give.” ― Jane Austen

Water comforts. Have you ever sat next to a burbling brook or gently flowing stream? Water can physiologically and psychologically benefit people because of its therapeutic nature. For thousands of years, it has been known to help cure illness, refresh the body and relax the mind.

Michael Wenger, dean of Buddhist studies at the San Francisco Zen Center, recommends listening to water to clear the mind. He says that flowing or moving water is 'white noise." Listening to the sound—allowing it to wash over you—is a meditative act that puts you in the moment. The calming sound of moving water is one of my favorite ways to clear my mind and relax.

I encourage everyone to support Mother Earth every day by embracing earth, ground, and soil. By not discarding or disrespecting in every way. We only have one earth, let’s make it the best place to be.


July Reset: Time to Rethink, Rest, Revisit

